//old mspaint art_

yep... this is art i made in ms paint with a trackpad when i was like 8. these were my first forays into digital art, and boy does it show--eye-searing default colors, lineart consisting exclusively of the circle and curve tools, backgrounds made of random geometric shapes and funky effects i learned from speedpaints, the works.

most of these're kirby oc fanart or my own attempts at ocs. it's been so long that my memory is shaky on whether or not some of these characters are mine. i at least know these came from at least two series--forest's quest by healingkirby/kirbyanimator1234 and mira's story by corneria45. both of these featured their and their friends' original kirby characters in plots that had... very little to do with canon, actually. but i thought they were the shit when i was younger and badly wanted to join them or, failing that, make similar animations of my own (...which i also failed at).

to the people whose fan kirby animations i stumbled upon 10+ years ago: thank you. you may have long since moved on, but your creations were foundational to my art.

massive eye strain warning on all of these like holy shit i am not kidding

kirby oc fanart
my kirby ocs(?)
unsure if fanart/mine
other fanart

old game art

pretty much the first art i ever made in photoshop for a game design summer camp. the touhou influence is strong with this one.

i've never actually made a full game though...